Mission Trails Family Photo Shoot | San Diego Family Photographer

I know it’s been said before, but it really is so crazy how fast time flies as you get older. I remember as a kid feeling like a year was a REALLY long time. Now, so much happens in a year it flies by in a flash! As of next month, Chasing Daylight Photography will be ELEVEN years old. Isn’t that insane?! I’ve been doing this full time for eleven years, and I know how absolutely blessed I am to be able to say that!

I’d say maybe eight years ago (??), I photographed these guys’ engagement photos in this exact same location. I was fairly new to the photography thing, and my husband worked with this guy at Trader Joes, and mentioned to him that I did photography. Fast forward however many years and I have photographed SO many huge moments for this family… their wedding, newborn photos of both their babies, and more.

Not only was this shoot magical because of the subjects, but holy moly check out the lighting at Mission Trails!!! This is always one of my favorite spots, but the stormy weather provided some absolutely amazing skies. SUCH a great shoot!

mission trails family photos